Epochtalk Documentation
Next generation forum software
Lightning Fast
Optimized for speed using technologies such as AngularJS and PostgreSQL.
Designed from the start to work on your phone, tablet or personal computer.
Open Source
Epochtalk is 100% open source and free. Visit the Epochtalk repository to contribute!
# Epochtalk Overview

- Epochtalk is a single page web application created with AngularJS
- Web/Mobile ready responsive design using Bourbon
- Code is bundled and loaded as needed, for performance, using Webpack
- Designed with performance in mind. Epochtalk's backend utilizes Postgres as a database.
- Customizable Theming (Branding, coloring, fonts, sizes)
- Fully modular permissions system with roles
Getting started is easy if you have Node.js (LTS) and Yarn installed! Visit the link above to get started developing/deploying Epochtalk!